Symplectic spectral geometry of semiclassical operators |
Álvaro Pelayo |
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society |
paper |
Higher-order superintegrability of separable potentials with a new approach to the Post-Winternitz system |
Manuel F. Rañada |
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. |
125206 |
46 |
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Voevodsky's Univalence Axiom in homotopy type theory |
Steve Awodey, Álvaro Pelayo, Michael A. Warren |
Notices of the American Mathematical Society |
paper |
On quantum deformations of (anti-)de Sitter algebras in (2+1) dimensions |
Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Fabio Musso |
3Quantum: Algebra, Geometry, Information |
paper |
Homotopy moment maps |
Yael Fregier, Christopher L. Rogers, Marco Zambon |
Arxiv |
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The Ehrenfest picture and the geometry of Quantum Mechanics |
J. Clemente-Gallardo, G. Marmo |
Arxiv |
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Hamilton-Jacobi theory in k-cosymplectic field theories |
M. de León, S. Vilariño |
Arxiv |
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Hyperstructures on Lie algebroids |
P. Antunes, J. M. Nunes da Costa |
Arxiv |
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Convex bodies of states and maps |
Janusz Grabowski, Alberto Ibort, Marek Kus, Giuseppe Marmo |
Arxiv |
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Unified formalism for higher-order variational problems and its applications in optimal control |
Leonardo Colombo, Pedro D. Prieto-Martínez |
Arxiv |
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Relative Geodesics in the Special Euclidean Group |
Darryl D. Holm, Lyle Noakes, Joris Vankerschaver |
Arxiv |
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A survey on cosymplectic geometry |
Beniamino Cappelletti Montano, Antonio De Nicola, Ivan Yudin |
Arxiv |
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Dirac--Lie systems and Schwarzian equations |
J.F. Cariñena, J. Grabowski, J. de Lucas, C. Sardón |
Arxiv |
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From constants of motion to superposition rules for Lie-Hamilton systems |
A. Ballesteros, J.F. Cariñena, F.J. Herranz, J. de Lucas, C. Sardón |
Arxiv |
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Sharp symplectic embeddings of cylinders |
Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc |
Arxiv |
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The generalized Euler-Poinsot rigid body equations: explicit elliptic solutions |
Yuri N. Fedorov, Andrzej J. Maciejewski, Maria Przybylska |
Arxiv |
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Gradient dynamical systems on open surfaces and critical points of Green's functions |
Alberto Enciso, Daniel Peralta-Salas |
Arxiv |
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Unimodularity and preservation of volumes in nonholonomic mechanics |
Yuri N. Fedorov, Luis C. García-Naranjo, Juan C. Marrero |
Arxiv |
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A class of Finsler surfaces whose geodesics are circles |
M. Crampin, T. Mestdag |
Arxiv |
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Tensorial description of quantum mechanics |
J. Clemente-Gallardo, G. Marmo |
ArXiv preprint |
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Tying knots in light fields |
Hridesh Kedia, Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, Daniel Peralta-Salas, William T.M. Irvine |
ArXiv preprint |
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Distributed convergence to Nash equilibria in two-network zero-sum games |
Bahman Gharesifard, Jorge Cortes |
ArXiv preprint |
paper |
Semiclassical quantization and spectral limits of h-pseudodifferential and Berezin-Toeplitz operators |
Álvaro Pelayo, Leonid Polterovich, San Vũ Ngoc |
ArXiv preprint |
paper |
Distributed continuous-time convex optimization on weight-balanced digraphs |
Bahman Gharesifard, Jorge Cortes |
ArXiv preprint |
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A preliminary univalent formalization of the p-adic numbers |
Álvaro Pelayo, Vladimir Voevodsky, Michael A. Warren |
ArXiv preprint |
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Hilbert forms for a Finsler metrizable projective class of sprays |
M. Crampin, T. Mestdag, D. J. Saunders |
ArXiv preprint |
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Semiclassical inverse spectral theory for singularities of focus-focus type |
Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc |
ArXiv preprint |
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Geometric Quantization of real polarizations via sheaves |
Eva Miranda, Francisco Presas |
ArXiv preprint |
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A quasi--Lie schemes approach to second-order Gambier equations |
J.F. Cariñena, P. Guha, J. de Lucas |
ArXiv preprint |
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Miura Reciprocal transformation for two integrable hierarchies in 1+1 dimensions |
P. G. Estevez, C. Sardon |
ArXiv preprint |
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Drinfel'd doubles for (2+1)-gravity |
Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger |
ArXiv preprint |
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The Jacobiator of nonholonomic systems and the geometry of reduced nonholonomic brackets |
P. Balseiro |
ArXiv preprint |
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Lagrangian mechanics on centered semi-direct product |
Leonardo J. Colombo, Henry O. Jacobs |
ArXiv preprint |
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The anisotropic Higgs oscillator on the two-dimensional sphere and the hyperbolic plane |
Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Fabio Musso |
ArXiv preprint |
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Coupling symmetries with Poisson structures |
Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Eva Miranda |
ArXiv preprint |
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The local description of discrete Mechanics |
Juan Carlos Marrero, David Martín de Diego, Eduardo Martínez |
ArXiv preprint |
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Realization of associative products in terms of Moyal and tomographic symbols |
A. Ibort, V. I. Man'ko, G. Marmo, A. Simoni, C. Stornaiolo, F. Ventriglia |
ArXiv preprint |
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Null Phase Curves and Manifolds in Geometric Phase Theory |
S. Chaturvedi, E. Ercolessi, G. Morandi, A. Ibort, G. Marmo, N. Mukunda, R. Simon |
ArXiv preprint |
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Canonoid transformations and master symmetries |
José F. Cariñena, Fernando Falceto, Manuel F. Rañada |
ArXiv preprint |
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Simultaneous deformations of algebras and morphisms via derived brackets |
Yael Fregier, Marco Zambon |
ArXiv preprint |
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Circle actions and geometric quantization |
Romero Solha |
ArXiv preprint |
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On a Poincaré lemma for singular foliations and geometric quantization |
Eva Miranda, Romero Solha |
Foliations 2012 Proceedings |
paper |