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Year: 2008
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
K-symplectic formalism on Lie algebroids. M. de León, D. Martín de Diego, M. Salgado, S. Vilariño J. Phys. A: Math and Theor 42 paper
An extension of the Marsden-Ratiu reduction for Poisson manifolds Marco Zambon Letters in Mathematical Physics 203-219 85 paper
Year: 2005
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
Nonstandard connections in k-cosymplectic field theory. M. Muñoz-Lecanda, M. Salgado, S. Vilariño. J. Math. Phys 46 paper
Year: 2011
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
On the k-symplectic, k-cosymplectic and multisimplectic formalisms of classical field theories. A. M. Rey, N. Román-Roy, M. Salgado, S. Vilariño JGM 112-137 vol 3 paper
A construction for coisotropic subalgebras of Lie bialgebras M. Zambon Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 411-419 215 paper
A distributed Deterministic Annealing algorithm for optimal sensor coverage A. Kwok, S. Martínez IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology paper
A Geometric Approach to discrete Mechanics for optimal control Theory F. Jiménez, D. Martín paper
A geometric approach to integrability of Abel differential equations J.F. Cariñena, Javier de Lucas, M.F. Rañada Int. J. Theoretical Physics IJTP4137 paper
A new Lie system approach to second-order Riccati equations J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas, C. Sardon Preprint-arXiv paper
A note on strict C-convexity. D. Martínez Torres Rev. Mat. Complutense paper
Action-angle coordinates for integrable systems on Poisson manifolds C. Laurent-Gengoux, E. Miranda, P. Vanhaecke IMRN paper
An Extension of Christoffel-Duality to a Subset of Sturm Numbers and their Characteristic Words M. Castrillón López, M. Domínguez, T. Noll Theoretical Computer Science paper
Campos magnéticos caóticos creados por cables de corriente continua J. Aguirre, A. Luque, D. Peralta Revista Española de Física paper
Characterization of accessibility for affine connection control systems at some points with nonzero velocity Maria Barbero Liñán Preprint paper
Classical field theories of first order and lagrangian submanifolds of premultisymplectic manifolds Cédric M. Campos, Elisa Guzmán, Juan Carlos Marrero Preprint paper
Classical Lie symmetries and reductions of a nonisospectral Lax pair P. G. Estevez, M.L. Gandarias, J. de Lucas J. of Nonl. Math. Phys. paper
Codimension one symplectic foliations and regular Poisson manifolds V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, Ana Rita Pires Bulletin of the Brazilian mathematical society paper
Covariantizing Classical Field Theories Castrillón López, M. Gotay J. Geom. Mech. paper
Dirac Lie groups, Dirac homogeneous spaces and the Theorem of Drinfeld, M. Jotz Indiana University Mathematics Journal paper
Dirac structures, nonholonomic systems and reduction Madeleine Jotz, Tudor Ratiu Preprint-arXiv paper
Discrete Lagrange D'Alembert-Poincaré equations for Euler's disk C. Martínez Campos, H. Cendra, V. Díaz, D. Martín de Diego RACSAM- Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat. DOI 10.1007/s13398-011-0053-3 paper
Discrete Second Order Euler-Poincaré Equations. An application to optimal control L. Colombo-F. Jiménez-D.Martín de Diego International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics paper
Energy-Based Voronoi Partition in Constant Flow Environments Y. Ru, S. Martínez Preprint-arXiv paper
Foliated groupoids and their infinitesimal data Madeleine Jotz, Cristian Ortiz Preprint paper
From action-angle coordinates to geometric quantization: a round trip Eva Miranda Oberwolfach report, Geometric quantization in the non-compact setting paper
GARCH options via local risk minimization J.P. Ortega Quantitative Finance paper
Gauge Transformations, Twisted Poisson Brackets and Hamiltonization of Nonholonomic Systems P. Balseiro, L. Garcia Naranjo Preprint-arXiv paper
Generic linear systems for projective CR manifolds. D. Martínez Torres Differential Geometry and its Applications paper
Glanon groupoids Madeleine Jotz, Mathieu Stiénon, Ping Xu Preprint paper
Harmonic almost contact structures via intrinsic torsion J.C. González-Dávila, F. Martín Cabrera Israel J. Math 145-187 181 paper
Heterogeneous discounting in economic problems J. Marín-Solano, C. Patxot Optimal Control Applications and Methods paper
Hierarchies and compatibility on Courant algebroids. P. Antunes, C. Laurent-Gengoux, J. M. Nunes da Costa: Preprint-arXiv paper
Year: 2012
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
The Geometry of Integrable and Superintegrable Systems A. Ibort and G. Marmo Preprint-arXiv paper
$k$-symplectic Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for some families of PDEs M. Barbero-Liñán, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda ArXiv preprint paper
A geometric approach to a generalized virial theorem José F. Cariñena, Fernando Falceto, Manuel F. Rañada J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 paper
A Hamilton-Jacobi Theory for Singular Lagrangian Systems in the Skinner and Rusk Setting Manuel de León, David Martín de Diego, Miguel Vaquero preprint-arxiv paper
A Hamiltonian Algorithm for Singular Optimal LQ Control Systems M. Delgado-Tellez, A. Ibort preprint-arxiv paper
A new approach to the higher-order superintegrability of the Tremblay-Turbiner-Winternitz system Manuel F. Rañada J. Phys. A 45 paper
A Note on the First Integrals of Vector Fields with Integrating Factors and Normalizers Jaume Llibre, Daniel Peralta-Salas preprint-arxiv paper
A numerical algorithm for singular optimal LQ control systems M. Delgado-Tellez, A. Ibort preprint-arxiv paper
A Universal Hamilton-Jacobi Theory Manuel de León, David Martín de Diego, Miguel Vaquero ArXiv preprint paper
An extension of the Dirac and Gotay-Nester theories of constraints for Dirac dynamical systems Hernán Cendra, María Etchechoury, Sebastián J. Ferraro ArXiv preprint paper
Causality and the conformal boundary of AdS in real-time holography Alberto Enciso, Niky Kamran preprint-arxiv paper
Classification of real three-dimensional Poisson-Lie groups Angel Ballesteros, Alfonso Blasco, Fabio Musso J. Phys. A: Math and Theor paper
Continuous-time distributed convex optimization on directed graphs. B. Gharesifard, J. Cortes: preprint-arxiv paper
Curvature-dependent formalism, Schrödinger equation and energy levels for the harmonic oscillator on three-dimensional spherical and hyperbolic spaces José F. Cariñena, Manuel F. Rañada, Mariano Santander J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 paper
Deformations of coisotropic submanifolds for fibrewise entire Poisson structures Florian Schaetz, Marco Zambon ArXiv preprint paper
Discrete Variational Optimal Control Fernando Jimenez, Marin Kobilarov, David Martin de Diego Preprint-arXiv paper
Distributed convergence to Nash equilibria by adversarial networks. B. Gharesifard, J. Cortes: preprint-arxiv paper
Distributions and quotients on degree 1 NQ-manifolds and Lie algebroids Marco Zambon, Chenchang Zhu Preprint-arXiv paper
Existence of knotted vortex tubes in steady Euler flows Alberto Enciso, Daniel Peralta-Salas ArXiv preprint paper
First steps in symplectic and spectral theory of integrable systems Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 3325-3377 32 paper
Geometrical description of algebraic structures: Applications to Quantum Mechanics José F. Cariñena, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo, Giuseppe Morandi AIP Conference Proceedings Series 47--59 1130 paper
Hamiltonian dynamics and symplectic capacities Alvaro Pelayo, San Vu Ngoc ArXiv preprint paper
Year: 2010
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
3D Riemannian and Lorentzian spaces of non-constant curvature and their superintegrable Hamiltonians from a quantum sl2 algebra, A. Ballesteros, A. Enciso, F.J. Herranz and O. Ragnisco Phys. At. Nuclei 255–263 73 paper
A geometric approach to integrability of Abel equations J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas, M.F. Rañada Int. J. Theor. Phys. paper
A geometric approach to the Gibbs-Appell equations in Lagrangian mechanics J. F. Cariñena and J. Fernández-Núñez J. Math. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 505205 43 paper
A Lie systems approach for the first passage-time of piecewise deterministic processes F. Avram, J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas in the book: Modern Trends of Controlled Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications 144-160 paper
A new exactly solvable quantum model in N dimensions Angel Ballesteros, Alberto Enciso, Francisco J. Herranz, Orlando Ragnisco, Danilo Riglioni Physics Letters A paper
A new proof of the higher-order superintegrability of a noncentral oscillator with inversely quadratic nonlinearities M.F. Rañada, M.A. Rodríguez, M. Santander J. Math. Phys. 42901 51(4) paper
A note on the separability of canonical integrations of Lie algebroids D. Martínez Torres Math. Res. Lett 69-75 17(1) paper
A Unified Framework for Mechanics. Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and Applications P Balseiro, JC Marrero, D Martín de Diego, E Padrón Nonlinearity 1887- 1918 23 paper
Buy and hold strategies and comonotonic approximations J. Marín-Solano, O. Roch, J. Dhaene, C. Ribas, M. Bosch-Príncep and S. Vanduffel Belgian Actuarial Bulletin 17-28 9 paper
Constrained Variational Calculus for Higher Order Classical Field Theories C. M. Campos, M. de Leon, D. Martin de Diego Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 455206 43(45) paper
Consumption and Portfolio Rules for Time-Inconsistent Investors J. Marín-Solano, J. Navas European Journal of Operational Research 860-872 201(3) paper
Coverage optimization and spatial load balancing by robotic sensor networks J. Cortés IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 749-754 55 (3) paper
Curvature of almost quaternion-Hermitian Manifolds F. Martín Cabrera, A. Swann Forum Mathematicum 21-52 22 paper
Deployment algorithms for a power-constrained mobile sensor network A. Kwok, S. Martínez International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Contro 745–763 20(7) paper
Discrete-time dynamic average consensus M. Zhu, S. Martínez Automatica 322-329 46 (2) paper
Distributed interpolation schemes for field estimation by mobile sensor networks S. Martínez IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 491-500 18 (2) paper
Geometric quantization of integrable systems with hyperbolic singularities M. Hamilton, E. Miranda Annales de l´Institut Fourier 51-85 60 paper
Hamilton-Jacobi theory in K-Symplectic field theories M de León, JC Marrero, D Martín de Diego, M Salgado, S Vilariño Int J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys 1491 -1507 7 paper
Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems on Lie Algebroids, Unimodularity and Preservation Of Volumes JC Marrero Journal of Geometric Mechanics 243-263 2 paper
Year: 2009
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
A catalog of inverse-kinematics planners for underactuated systems on matrix groups S. Martínez, J. Cortés, F. Bullo Journal of Geometric Mechanics 445-460 1 (4) paper
Global and robust formation-shape stabilization of relative sensing networks J. Cortés Automatica 2754-2762 45 (12)
Year: 2013
Papersort descending Authors Journal Pages Volume URL
A class of Finsler surfaces whose geodesics are circles M. Crampin, T. Mestdag Arxiv paper
A generalization of Szebehely's inverse problem of dynamics W. Sarlet, T. Mestdag, G. Prince Rep. Math. Phys, paper
A preliminary univalent formalization of the p-adic numbers Álvaro Pelayo, Vladimir Voevodsky, Michael A. Warren ArXiv preprint paper
A quasi--Lie schemes approach to second-order Gambier equations J.F. Cariñena, P. Guha, J. de Lucas ArXiv preprint paper
A singular initial-boundary value problem for nonlinear wave equations and holography in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces Alberto Enciso, Niky Kamran Preprint Arxiv paper
A survey on cosymplectic geometry Beniamino Cappelletti Montano, Antonio De Nicola, Ivan Yudin Arxiv paper
An integer optimization problem for non-Hamiltonian periodic flows Álvaro Pelayo, Silvia Sabatini Preprint Arxiv paper
Canonoid transformations and master symmetries José F. Cariñena, Fernando Falceto, Manuel F. Rañada ArXiv preprint paper
Cartan algorithm and Dirac constraints for Griffiths variational problems Hernán Cendra, Santiago Capriotti Preprint Arxiv paper
Circle actions and geometric quantization Romero Solha ArXiv preprint paper
Convex bodies of states and maps Janusz Grabowski, Alberto Ibort, Marek Kus, Giuseppe Marmo Arxiv paper
Coupling symmetries with Poisson structures Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Eva Miranda ArXiv preprint paper
Dirac--Lie systems and Schwarzian equations J.F. Cariñena, J. Grabowski, J. de Lucas, C. Sardón Arxiv paper
Distributed continuous-time convex optimization on weight-balanced digraphs Bahman Gharesifard, Jorge Cortes ArXiv preprint paper
Distributed convergence to Nash equilibria in two-network zero-sum games Bahman Gharesifard, Jorge Cortes ArXiv preprint paper
Drinfel'd doubles for (2+1)-gravity Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger ArXiv preprint paper
Examples of compact K-contact manifolds with no Sasakian metric Beniamino Cappelletti-Montano, Antonio de Nicola, Juan Carlos Marrero, Ivan Yudin Preprint Arxiv paper
From constants of motion to superposition rules for Lie-Hamilton systems A. Ballesteros, J.F. Cariñena, F.J. Herranz, J. de Lucas, C. Sardón Arxiv paper
Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for higher-order autonomous systems Leonardo Colombo, Manuel de León, Pedro Daniel Prieto-Martínez, Narciso Román-Roy Preprint Arxiv paper
Geometric Quantization of real polarizations via sheaves Eva Miranda, Francisco Presas ArXiv preprint paper
Gradient dynamical systems on open surfaces and critical points of Green's functions Alberto Enciso, Daniel Peralta-Salas Arxiv paper
Groupoids and the tomographic picture of quantum mechanics A. Ibort, V.I. Manko, G. Marmo, A. Simoni, C. Stornaiolo Preprint Arxiv paper
Hamilton-Jacobi theory in k-cosymplectic field theories M. de León, S. Vilariño Arxiv paper
Hard Lefschetz theorem for Sasakian manifolds Beniamino Cappelletti Montano, Antonio De Nicola, Ivan Yudin Preprint paper
