Reduction of Poisson-Nijenhuis Lie algebroids to symplectic-Nijenhuis Lie algebroids with nondegenerate Nijenhuis tensor |
Antonio De Nicola, Juan Carlos Marrero, Edith Padron |
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Harmonic almost contact structures via intrinsic torsion |
J.C. González-Dávila, F. Martín Cabrera |
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The harmonic oscillator on three-dimensional spherical and hyperbolic spaces: Curvature dependent formalism and quantization |
J.F. Cariñena, M.F. Rañada, M. Santander |
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Storage Size Determination for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems |
Yu Ru, Jan Kleissl, Sonia Martinez |
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On a Kind Noether Symmetries and Conservation Laws in K-Cosymplectic Field Theory |
JC Marrero, N Roman-Roy, M Salgado, S Vilariño |
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SOPDES and non-linear connections |
N. Román-Roy, M. Salgado, S. Vilariño |
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On the k-symplectic, k-cosymplectic and multisimplectic formalisms of classical field theories. |
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Classical field theories of first order and lagrangian submanifolds of premultisymplectic manifolds |
Cédric M. Campos, Elisa Guzmán, Juan Carlos Marrero |
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Universal Models Via Embedding and Reduction for Locally Conformal Symplectic Structures |
JC Marrero, D Martinez, E Padron |
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Discrete Lagrange D'Alembert-Poincaré equations for Euler's disk |
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On the convergence time of asynchronous distributed quantized averaging algorithms |
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A new Lie system approach to second-order Riccati equations |
J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas, C. Sardon |
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Quasi-Lie schemes and second-order Riccati equations |
J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas |
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A distributed Deterministic Annealing algorithm for optimal sensor coverage |
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Dirac structures, nonholonomic systems and reduction |
Madeleine Jotz, Tudor Ratiu |
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Superposition rules and second-order differential equations |
J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas |
Proceedings of the XIX FallWorkshop on Geometry and Physics |
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From action-angle coordinates to geometric quantization: a round trip |
Eva Miranda |
Oberwolfach report, Geometric quantization in the non-compact setting |
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Gauge Transformations, Twisted Poisson Brackets and Hamiltonization of Nonholonomic Systems |
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Classical Lie symmetries and reductions of a nonisospectral Lax pair |
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Codimension one symplectic foliations and regular Poisson manifolds |
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Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for autonomous higher-order dynamical systems |
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Kinematic reduction and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. |
M. Barbero Liñan, J.C. Marrero, D. Martín de Diego, M. Muñoz Lecanda, |
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Integrability of Lie systems through Riccati equations |
J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas |
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Action-angle coordinates for integrable systems on Poisson manifolds |
C. Laurent-Gengoux, E. Miranda, P. Vanhaecke |
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Reduction of Homogeneous Riemannian Structures |
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Dirac Lie groups, Dirac homogeneous spaces and the Theorem of Drinfeld, |
M. Jotz |
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Nondegeneracy of the eigenvalues of the Hodge Laplacian for generic metrics on 3-manifolds |
A. Enciso, D. Peralta |
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Campos magnéticos caóticos creados por cables de corriente continua |
J. Aguirre, A. Luque, D. Peralta |
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Energy-Based Voronoi Partition in Constant Flow Environments |
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Induced Dirac structure on isotropy type manifolds |
M. Jotz, T. Ratiu |
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Knots and links in steady solutions of the Euler equation |
A. Enciso, D. Peralta |
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Symplectic theory of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems |
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New superintegrable models with position-dependent mass from Bertrand's Theorem on curved spaces |
Angel Ballesteros, Alberto Enciso, Francisco J. Herranz, Orlando Ragnisco, Danilo Riglioni |
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Hierarchies and compatibility on Courant algebroids. |
P. Antunes, C. Laurent-Gengoux, J. M. Nunes da Costa: |
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Covariantizing Classical Field Theories |
Castrillón López, M. Gotay |
J. Geom. Mech. |
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Reduction of Lie-Jordan Banach algebras and quantum states |
F. Falceto, L. Ferro, A. Ibort, G. Marmo: |
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A Geometric Approach to discrete Mechanics for optimal control Theory |
F. Jiménez, D. Martín |
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On Variational Integrators for Optimal Control of Mechanical Control Systems. |
L. Colombo-D.Martín de Diego-M.Zuccalli |
RACSAM- Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat. |
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Smoothness of holonomy covers for singular foliations and essentia isotropy |
I. Androulidakis, M. Zambon |
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An Extension of Christoffel-Duality to a Subset of Sturm Numbers and their Characteristic Words |
M. Castrillón López, M. Domínguez, T. Noll |
Theoretical Computer Science |
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A construction for coisotropic subalgebras of Lie bialgebras |
M. Zambon |
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Universal lifting theorem and quasi-Poisson groupoids |
D. Iglesias Ponte, C. Laurent-Gengoux, P. Xu |
Journal of the European Mathematical Society |
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Discrete Second Order Euler-Poincaré Equations. An application to optimal control |
L. Colombo-F. Jiménez-D.Martín de Diego |
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics |
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Superposition rules for higher-order systems and their applications. |
J. F. Cariñena, J. Grabowski, J. de Lucas |
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Submanifolds in Poisson geometry: a survey |
M. Zambon |
Proceedings of the conference CDG2009 (Hannover, 2009 |
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Generic linear systems for projective CR manifolds. |
D. Martínez Torres |
Differential Geometry and its Applications |
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On the geometry of higher-order variational problems on Lie groups |
L. Colombo-D.Martín de Diego |
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Reduction of a Symplectic Lie Algebroid with Momentum Map and its Application to Fiberwise Linear Poisson Structures |
J. C. Marrero, E. Padron, M. Rodriguez-Olmos |
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The homogeneous geometries of real hyperbolic space. |
The homogeneous geometries of real hyperbolic space. |
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Presymplectic high order maximum principle |
M. Barbero Liñán, M.C. Muñoz Lecanda |
Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat |
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A note on strict C-convexity. |
D. Martínez Torres |
Rev. Mat. Complutense |
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Foliated groupoids and their infinitesimal data |
Madeleine Jotz, Cristian Ortiz |
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Unified formalism for higher-order non-autonomous dynamical systems. |
P. D. Prieto Martínez, N. Román Roy |
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GARCH options via local risk minimization |
J.P. Ortega |
Quantitative Finance |
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Heterogeneous discounting in economic problems |
J. Marín-Solano, C. Patxot |
Optimal Control Applications and Methods |
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Glanon groupoids |
Madeleine Jotz, Mathieu Stiénon, Ping Xu |
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A geometric approach to integrability of Abel differential equations |
J.F. Cariñena, Javier de Lucas, M.F. Rañada |
Int. J. Theoretical Physics |
IJTP4137 |
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Characterization of accessibility for affine connection control systems at some points with nonzero velocity |
Maria Barbero Liñán |
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