
To find an activity, please fill in the form and click on Apply.

E.g., 10/02/2025
Activity Start End Placesort descending Link
XXI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics 30/08/2012 01/09/2012 Burgos, Spain Web
I Encuentro Jóven de la red de Geometría Mecánica y Control 19/12/2006 20/12/2006 C/Jorge Manrique 27, CSIC, Madrid Web
Thematic day on Numerical Integration of Nonholonomic Systems 21/12/2006 21/12/2006 C/Jorge Manrique 27, CSIC28006 Madrid Web
1st International Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics and Control 25/06/2007 29/06/2007 Castro-Urdiales, Cantabria (Spain) Web
6th Iberoamerican Geometry, Mechanics and Control 13/08/2017 17/08/2014 CIMAT, Guanajuato, México Web
Sesión especial Geometry, Mechanics and Control en la bienal de la RSME 17/01/2022 21/01/2022 Ciudad Real Web
13th International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control 06/12/2018 08/12/2018 Coimbra, Portugal Web
6th International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control 10/01/2012 13/01/2012 Coimbra, Portugal
Third Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control 03/09/2012 07/09/2012 Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca, Salamanca, Spain Web
Thematic day on Geometric Methods in Mechanics and Control 15/06/2007 15/06/2007 CSIC Madrid (Spain) Web
