

The Iberoamerican Meetings on Geometry, Mechanics and Control are the result of the efforts of different research groups, in various Iberoamerican  countries with  interest in differential geometry, mechanics and control theory to establish scientific meetings of the specialty. These subject matters are highly topical, interacting in a common area of Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, and Engineering.

This will be the third edition of a congress that came up with the idea of promoting the interactions between these disciplines, between the mathematical communities in these countries, while maintaining an international character. This type of conferences are important to keep and to strengthen contacts between the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American groups and also establish a framework for spreading and for expand cooperation with researchers from other European countries, United States, Canada and China, among others.

One of the most important features of this series of conferences is the emphasis on the assistance and active participation of young researchers, with a dual purpose: contribute to improve their training by putting them in contact with great value senior researchers, and promote contact between themselves which could turn out  in subsequent scientific collaborations.

The congress is held every two years, and will be alternating between Spain and a country of Latin America. The two previous editions has been in in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), June 2008, and in Bariloche (Argentina), January 2011.

This third edition will take place in Salamanca (Spain) from 3rd to 7th September 2012. You are cordially invited.

The Organizing Committee

Latest news:



Important dates:



Plenary Speakers

Henrique Bursztyn. (IMPA, Brazil). Title: Symplectic reduction in degree 2. 

Marco Castrillón. (UCM and ICMAT, Spain). Title: Euler-Poincaré Reduction in Principal Bundles by a Subgroup of the Structure Group.

Mark J. Gotay. (PIMS, Canada). Title: Quantization via Deformation of Prequantization.

Janusz Grabowski. (IMPAN, Poland). Title: Tulczyjew triples: from statics to field theory.

Darryl Holm. (Imperial College, United Kingdom). Title: Momentum Maps, Image Analysis & Solitons.

Manuel de León (CSIC, Spain). Title: A universal Hamilton-Jacobi theory.

Juan-Pablo Ortega. (CNRS, France). Title: Temporal aggregation, forecasting, and path continuation in estimated parametric stochastic models. 

Ernesto Pérez-Chavela. (UAM, Mexico). Title: The N-body problem in spaces of constant curvature. 

Narciso Román-Roy. (UPC, Spain). Title: Some topics on higher-order systems. 

Carlos Tomei. (PUC-Rio, Brazil). Title: Yet another interesting structure related to the Toda lattice. 


Invited Speakers

Enrico Bibbona.(UNITO, Italy). Title: Symmetries of Stochastic Differential Equations. 

Pablo M. Chacón. (USAL, Spain). Title: Lagrange-Poincaré reduction in affine principal bundles as a Lagrange problem.

Antonio Fernández. (USAL, Spain). Title: Non singular discretizations in optimal control theory. 

Javier Fernández. (CNEA, Argentina). Title: Some geometric aspects of discrete connections. 

Oscar Fernandez. (Wellesley College, USA). Title: An Improved Integrability Theorem for Hamiltonizable Nonholonomic Systems.

Luis García-Naranjo. (ITAM, Mexico). Title: Unimodularity and Preservation of Volumes in Nonholonomic Mechanics.

David Iglesias. (ULL, Spain). Title: Poly-Poisson structures.

Henri Jacobs (Caltech, USA). Title: A Lie Groupoid Theoretic formulation of Fluids Structure interactions. 

Tom Mestdag. (UGENT, Belgium). Title: The projective Finsler metrizability problem. 

Eva Miranda. (UPC, Spain). Title: Hamiltonian actions on Poisson manifolds and an abstract Nash-Moser normal form theorem.

Paulo Piccione. (USP, Brazil). Equivariant Rigidity and Bifurcation in Geometric Variational Problems. 

Eva Miranda. (UPC, Spain). Title: Hamiltonian actions on Poisson manifolds and an abstract Nash-Moser normal form theorem.

César Rodrigo. (Academia Militar, Portugal). Title: Integrators for reduced variational problems on simplicial complexes. 

Luca Vitagliano. (UNISA, Italy). Title: The Diffiety of Initial Data. 


Steering Committee

Hernán Cendra (UNS, Argentina)

Jair Koiller (FGV, Brasil)

Manuel de León (CSIC, Spain)

Juan C. Marrero (ULL, Spain)


Scientific Committee

Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA, Brazil)

Hernán Cendra  (UNS, Argentina)

Pedro L. García (USAL, Spain)

Jair Koiller (FGV, Brazil)

Manuel de León (CSIC, Spain)

Giuseppe Marmo (INFN, Italy)

Juan C. Marrero (ULL, Spain)

Eduardo Martínez (UNIZAR, Spain)

Miguel Muñoz-Lecanda (UPC, Spain)

Joana M. Nunes da Costa (UC, Portugal)

Ernesto Pérez-Chavela (UAM, México)

Tudor Radio (EPFL, Switzerland)


Organizing Committee

Pedro L. García (USAL, Spain)

Pablo M. Chacón (USAL, Spain)

Antonio Fernández (USAL, Spain)

Sebastián Ferraro (UNS, Argentina)

Edith Padrón (ULL, Spain)
