December 16-19, 2013. ICMAT, Madrid, Spain.
This workshop is to commemorate the 60th birthday of Manuel de León. Manuel de León is one of the most important researchers on geometric mechanics. It is worth highlighting his contributions on a wide range of topics such as symplectic geometry, Poisson manifolds, nonholonomic mechanics, Cosserat media, geometric integrators, optimal control theory, among many others. Another facet that makes Manuel de León well-known is his intense dedication to the diffusion of mathematics and his role in mathematical organizations at the international and national levels, including the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME). One could keep going by emphasizing his work on the didactics of mathematics, its popularization, edition and direction of scientific journals, and many other facets. The sum of all these contributions makes Manuel de León deserve this tribute.
Confirmed speakers:
- J. Ball, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- M. Barbero, Universidad Carlos III and ICMAT, Spain
- T. Bloch, University of Michigan, USA
- J.F. Cariñena, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
- F. Cantrijn, Ghent University, Belgium
- H. Cendra, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
- L. Cordero, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- J. Cortés, University of California, United States
- I. Daubechies, Duke University, United Kingdom
- C.T.J. Dodson, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- M. Epstein, University of Calgary, Canada
- M.L. Fernández, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
- J. Grabowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- M. Grötschel, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
- A. Ibort, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- D. Iglesias, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
- J. Koiller, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil
- A. Lewis, Queen's University, Canada
- G. Marmo, Università di Napoli "Federico II", Italy
- J.C. Marrero, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
- D. Martín de Diego, ICMAT, Spain
- E. Martínez, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
- J. Montaldi, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- M. Muñoz Lecanda, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- J.P. Ortega, CNRS, France
- E. Padrón, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
- A. Pelayo, Institute for Advanced Study, United States
- E. Pérez Chavela, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
- T. Ratiu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- G. Tuynman, University of Lille, France
- A. Van der Schaft, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- J. Vankerschaver, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom
- M. Viana, IMPA, Brazil
Scientific Committee:
- José F. Cariñena, University of Zaragoza
- Hernán Cendra, Universidad Nacional del Sur
- Jorge Cortés, University of California
- Marcelo Epstein, University of Calgary
- Jair Koiller, Fundaçao Getulio Vargas
- Andrew Lewis, Queen's University
- Juan Carlos Marrero, University of La Laguna
- Miguel Muñoz Lecanda, Technical University of Catalonia
- Juan Pablo Ortega, CNRS
- Ernesto Pérez Chavela, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
- Tudor Ratiu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Organizing Committee:
- David Martín de Diego, ICMAT
- María Barbero Liñán, UC3M - ICMAT
- Cédric M. Campos, TUM / UPMC / CNRS
- Eduardo Martínez, University of Zaragoza
- Sonia Martínez, University of California
- Narciso Román Roy, Technical University of Catalonia
- Modesto Salgado, University of Santiago de Compostela